
Leichi takes you to understand the introduction and types of waveform washers

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Leichi takes you to understand the introduction and types of waveform washers

date:[2022-08-18]     pk_hits:

Wave Spring Washers, also known as Wave Spring Washers. Waveform springs mainly consist of single-layer and multi-layer waveform springs, among which multi-layer waveform springs are also known as multi-layer waveform washers. They are a circular ring with multi-layer metal sheets and each layer of ring has multiple peak valley elastic metal components. They are commonly used in equipment such as spacecraft, bearings, flow valves, pressure valves, clutches, isolators, axial piston pumps, actuators, etc.

Waveform washers are classified by purpose: (1) Three wave washers A, ordinary type B, bearings (2) Single wave washers Waveform washers are classified by material 1, carbon spring steel 2, stainless steel

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