
Introduction and types of corrugated washers

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Introduction and types of corrugated washers

date:[2018-10-31]     pk_hits:
1) 普通型
WW-4 WW-5 WW-6 WW-8 WW-10 WW-12 WW-14 WW-16 WW-18 WW-20 WW-23 WW-26 WW-30 WW-32 WW-38 WW-40 WW-46 WW-50 WW-53 WW-60.
1) 軸承專用型
BWW-624 BWW-625 BWW-626 BWW-608 BWW-629 BWW-6001 BWW-6200 BWW-6201 BWW-6202 BWW-6203 BWW-6302 BWW-6303 BWW-6304 BWW-6305 BWW-6306 BWW-6307 BWW-6308 BWW-6309 BWW-6310 BWW-6311 BWW-6312 BWW-6313.
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